AVIOR By Acube

1 خوابه
1 سرویس
TBA فوت مربع
3,500,000 درهم


  • خواب
  • سرویس
  • سال ساخت
  • مساحت خالص (فوت مربع)
    TBA فوت مربع


Avior by ACUBE Developments presents an unparalleled living experience in Dubai, UAE, perfectly positioned along the prestigious Sheikh Zayed Road. This exceptional property offers a sanctuary of privacy, surrounded by panoramic city vistas, making it an ideal choice for those seeking exclusive, luxury real estate. Avior features an elite collection of residences, including 1-6 bedroom apartments, presidential palaces, duplexes, and the ultra-luxurious signature sky villa duplexes.

Designed with meticulous attention to detail, these residences reflect European-inspired aesthetics and are complemented by verdant garden spaces that enhance the elegance of the property. Each home is equipped with advanced smart automation systems, top-tier branded kitchen appliances, and sintered stone countertops, ensuring a seamless fusion of luxury, convenience, and modern sophistication.

The signature sky villas at Avior redefine opulence, offering double-height lounges, expansive private terraces with exclusive pools, and impeccably landscaped gardens. The sun decks, furnished with plush loungers, provide an inviting space to unwind while enjoying the serene surroundings.

For those in pursuit of the ultimate in privacy and prestige, the presidential penthouses feature soaring ceilings, bespoke interior finishes, a rooftop terrace, and a private pool, setting a new standard in luxurious living. Access to these residences is granted exclusively via AI-enabled elevators, ensuring utmost discretion and security for a select few.

In every aspect, Avior by ACUBE Developments sets the benchmark for luxury living in Dubai’s dynamic real estate market, offering an unrivaled lifestyle defined by sophistication, exclusivity, and innovation.


  • مساحت خالص (فوت مربع):
    TBA فوت مربع
  • مساحت ناخالص (فوت مربع):
    TBA فوت مربع
  • خواب
  • سرویس
  • قیمت
    3,500,000 درهم
  • سال ساخت
  • وضعیت:
  • پیش‌پرداخت:
    در حال اعلام
  • پرداخت‌ها در طول ساخت :
  • در زمان تحویل
  • آیا طرح پرداخت پس از تحویل دارد؟
  • طرح پرداخت پس از .تحویل :
    در حال اعلام
  • خواب
    1خوابه 2خوابه 3خوابه
  • زمان تحویل
    دسامبر 15, 2026


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